Last week (20-22nd Nov) was truly an awesome & fruitful weekend. I enjoyed it very much. It was very memorable. I'm so glad that I was able to meet up with my uni friends once again. Had long buffet lunch @ Seoul Garden. The food was great, all in all, we had a wonderful time together. Later on, Hooi Sin & Wilfred attended Emerge Rising 2009! Woohoo! So happy that Crystal & Amanda can make it too. Both of 'em were so excited that they came for 3 nights. They liked it very much. Also congrats Amanda as she won the second place in Spelling Bee finals for secondary category. *Claps* She were so calm & courageous to stand in front of 2000+ ppl in Sunway Convention Hall... There were so many talents unearth. E.R 2009 had just passed & will look forward to a greater one in 2010 in new building. :)
Next year will mark another new chapter of my working life. Well, work is important. It gives us a sense of purpose & destiny. Pastor says, 'Find a job that you like and you will not have to work a day in your life.' I want to discover mine & fulfill it... Heavenly father, I commit my future unto Your hands...

Parade of School (P.O.S)

Amanda Khoo in Spelling Bee
Crystal & I
AK & I