Saturday, March 08, 2008

My First Vote on Election Day

This morning, before going to work part-time as usual, I went to vote for the first time of my life! ^_^ Quite happy as I have the chance to cast my vote in this election for this year as I just registered to be a voter last year soon after my birthday. My IC number was the last in the name list at the polling station. According to the person in charge who checked the IC, I'm the youngest voter there. ;)


chewy_cheryl said...

wow!u have got a branding skills that yet u might havent discover fully.the colour that u use apart frm the design and template is just nice and soothing.well done!

Lim Sha Mein said...

thanks for the compliment Cheryl! hehe.. still learning. well, u have great articles in yours too! good command of language. Keep it up ya :)